Real Estate Project Support
A project may require easements and access to University property or external private real estate. The Real Estate team works to quickly obtain an acceptable agreement and access to or from the University as fast as possible.
Depending on who you are, who you represent, and your interest or use in or on 探花社区 real property, you may require temporary or permanent access to University property, its utilities, underneath university property, or within or upon one of its facilities. Examples of access needs include utility construction, temporary easements for construction, the construction and placement of cable or fiber lines, and easements based on location, such as near the parameters of campus.
Additionally, University departments often have access needs to real property that is not owned by the university. This may be for construction, utilities, or use. An agreement between the University and another party may take the form of an easement, typically in a more permanent arrangement, but may also be a temporary contract, license, or term of days access arrangement.
Executive Orders
Certain real estate functions must be performed by the City or require their approval. The Real Estate team will assist in working City officials.
Occasionally, the University will find existing utility easements, license, utility right of way, or city interest in real property that require an “executive order” in order to continue a project or operate a facility. An executive order is an order from the Mayor of a City speaking for the public.
The Real Estate team works with City officials to obtain executive orders that may be necessary to facilitate progress for projects, vacate real estate owned by the City to expand its campuses or for ease of projects, and for specific real property use on public grounds.
Right of Way
University projects may need to acquire right-of-way from the City the project is located in for utility connections, signage, or otherwise. The Real Estate team works frequently with City officials to help prepare petition and permit for such cases.
The right-of-way in a City refers to public areas for transport or travel between parcels of real property. This may refer to streets, sidewalks, channels and other types of property. The University often needs to occupy or even acquire public right-of-way for its campuses and projects. This may be to for access to lay utility lines, complete construction of a project, or connect a facility to existing utility infrastructure.
Occupying or acquiring right-of-way is a formal process done according to City and State rules. In addition, Board of Regents policy dictates how the University may obtain or occupy real property. The Real Estate team will begin by speaking to and working with City officials. The team will prepare the permit or petition to occupy or acquire right-of-way, and manage the notification, and public hearing process.
Cities zone real property for different uses. This includes residential, commercial, industrial, and other zones. If a zone currently interferes with a project or use of land, the Real Estate team will work to request that a city rezone a particular property or properties.
The Real Estate team can help manage the re-zoning process from obtaining the correct University approvals to following correct Board of Regents policy. In addition, the team will file the petition, and manage the zoning process through City planning, notices, and through City council. The Real Estate team will also work with City officials to resolve any hurdles or obstacles in the zoning process, which may take several months.
In addition, someone may request to rezone property that the University does not own, but such a re-zoning may affect University interests. If you receive any such information or have any concerns about a zoning action, please contact the Real Estate team.
FP&CP Services
- Overview
- FP&CP Staff Page
- Project Costs and Fees
- Building & Fire Safety
- Capital Construction
- Engineering
- Physical Planning & Design
- Project & Team Support
- Real Estate
- Small Projects
- Space Management
FP&CP Services
- Overview
- FP&CP Staff Page
- Project Costs and Fees
- Building & Fire Safety
- Capital Construction
- Engineering
- Physical Planning & Design
- Project & Team Support
- Real Estate
- Small Projects
- Space Management
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