For information on all 探花社区 leave--including administrative leave, civil leave, crisis leave sharing, FMLA, funeral leave, holidays, injury leave, leave of absence, military leave, parental leave, sick leave, and vacation leave, please see pages 8 - 21 of the Human Resources Policy Handbook.
Employee Leave
Administrative Leave
- Regular employees may be granted administrative leave with pay in the event of inclement weather, terrorist acts or threats, or non-scheduled “declared” holidays authorized by the U.S. President, Governor, or President of the University. Administrative leave shall be granted at the discretion of the Chancellor or University President
- Employees designated as emergency response team members for campus and or University operations shall be determined in advance, such that these employees will be made aware of their obligation to work during periods of inclement weather or other emergency. Team members/designees shall be compensated as established by campus payroll policies/procedures.
- Temporary employees shall not be eligible to receive administrative leave.
- Employees attending events/training/conferences on behalf of the university are considered to be on normal work assignment and not administrative leave.
Civil Leave
- All regular employees may be granted paid civil leave for the purpose of providing civic service as specified if the performance of such service is required during their normal working hours.
- The specific instances for which civil leave shall be granted include jury duty, witness duty, court appearances regarding affairs of the State or University, emergency civilian duty in connection with national defense or national disaster, election board duty, and up to two (2) hours for voting in public elections.
- Employees shall retain any compensation paid to them in carrying out such civic service.
- Civil leave shall not be granted to an employee who attends court as a party plaintiff or party defendant on a personal matter. In such instances the employee may elect to have such time charged to vacation leave or may have such time treated as a leave of absence without pay.
Crisis Leave Sharing
General Purpose
- Each major administrative unit (campus) of the 探花社区 will establish a crisis leave pool, the purpose of which is to allow employees to donate accumulated vacation leave for potential use in emergency situations by other employees whose leave has been exhausted.
Donation of Leave
- Regular employees who earn vacation leave may donate to the crisis leave pool up to five (5) accumulated vacation days per calendar year.
- Donations of accumulated vacation leave to the crisis leave pool will be accounted for on the basis of the number of days donated, rather than the dollar value of the days donated.
- Employees with a leave balance subject to exceed the 280 hours maximum allowance may donate vacation leave to the crisis leave pool to retain the vacation accrual status.
- Crisis leave may not be donated in units of less than one full day (eight hours).
Granting of Crisis Leave
- Subject to the eligibility requirements contained in this policy and any eligibility requirements in a campus policy, a regular employee (who has six months of continuous employment) may, upon approval of the campus administration receive from the crisis leave pool up to the number of days of vacation leave he or she accrues in one calendar year, not to exceed 24 (twenty-four) work days.
- Crisis leave will not be granted in units of less than one day and shall be prorated for employees who work less than full-time.
- Regular employees are eligible to receive crisis leave (1) when all of their available sick leave, vacation leave and compensatory leave (as may be applicable to the purpose of the crisis leave request) has been exhausted, and (2) when additional leave is required for one of the following reasons:
• serious illness of the employee or the employee's spouse;
• serious illness of the employee's child or parent, or a person bearing the same relationship to the employee's spouse. - For the purposes of this policy, a "serious illness" is defined as an illness that requires at least one overnight stay in a hospital, hospice or other residential health care facility under the treatment or supervision of a physician or other licensed health care provider
that requires an absence from work for more than three (3) days as recommended by a physician or other licensed health care provider
is a chronic or long term illness that is incurable or so serious that if untreated would probably lead to incapacity for more than three days, and requires continuing medical treatment or supervision.
Campus Administrative Procedures
- In order to assure consistent administration of this policy on each campus, specific campus procedures and criteria for donation and use of crisis leave shall be approved by each Chancellor and set forth in a written campus policy statement.
- Requests for donated crisis leave must include the reason for the request and the anticipated time period of the leave. Appropriate certification or documentation from a treating physician or other licensed health care provider may be required by the University.
- Each request for crisis leave shall be evaluated upon criteria which include:
• whether or not the reason for the leave is appropriate under the policy;
• the availability of leave within the crisis leave pool; and
• the employee's record of leave use. - Denial of crisis leave shall not be a grievable event under any campus or University grievance policy or procedure.
Disaster Relief Assistance
- In the event a request is made by a federal agency or other disaster relief organization, i.e., the Red Cross, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or other federally designated department, the University President or Chancellor or his/her designee may authorize an employee up to (5) days civil leave to assist in the request. The (5) day limit may be extended upon approval of the University President or Chancellor or his/her designee.
- Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. 搂 81-1391, an employee who is a Certified Disaster Service Volunteer of the American Red Cross may, with the authorization of his or her supervisor, be granted a leave not to exceed fifteen working days in each year to participate in specialized disaster relief services in Nebraska for the American Red Cross, upon the request of the American Red Cross, without loss of pay, vacation time, sick leave, or earned overtime accumulation.
- Employees who wish to volunteer for disaster relief assistance and other related activities/drills (not requested by a federal agency or disaster relief organization and not designated by the University President or Chancellor) will be required to use vacation or compensatory leave.
Family Medical Leave of Absence
Under University policy and as required by the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) eligible employees are provided up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave for certain family and medical reasons. All regular Academic/Administrative, Managerial/Professional and Office/Service employees with an FTE of .50 or greater are eligible, as are all other employees (including temporary and graduate student employees) who have worked for the University for at least one year, and for 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months.
Unpaid leave will be granted for any of the following reasons:
• to address maternal/paternal concerns related to the birth of a child, or the placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care;
• to care for the employee's spouse, son or daughter, or parent, who has a serious health condition;
• for a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the employee's job,or
• in association with a death in the immediate family.
As may be required or approved by the University, certain kinds of paid leave may be substituted for unpaid leave, if such paid leave would otherwise be granted based on the reason for the absence.
Job Benefits and Protection Regarding Family/Medical Leave:
• For the duration of approved Family/Medical Leave, the University will maintain the employee's health coverage under any University sponsored "group health plan."
• Upon return from Family/Medical Leave, employees will be restored to their original or equivalent positions with equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms.
• The use of approved Family/Medical Leave cannot result in the loss of any employment benefit that accrued prior to the start of an employee's leave.
For questions regarding the Family/Medical Leave of Absence policy and its procedures, please contact the campus Human Resources Office.
Funeral Leave
- All regular employees may be granted leave up to five (5) consecutive working days in the event of death within the immediate family. For this purpose, immediate family shall mean wife, husband, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, brother, sister, daughter-in-law, son-inlaw, guardian, ward, stepfather, stepmother, stepdaughter, stepson, or persons bearing the same relationship to the spouse of the employee.
- For persons not defined as immediate family, up to one day of funeral leave may be granted at the discretion of the employee's immediate supervisor. An additional funeral day may be granted when an employee is required to travel across two or more states.
- Death of a member of the immediate family demanding the employee’s presence is a qualifying event under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
The State of Nebraska annually recognizes thirteen (13) legal holidays, designated by statute as follows:
- As provided under State Statute, the University Academic Calendar may require that University offices be open and staffed on certain state designated holidays. Accordingly, the following policy shall be followed.
- Eligible employees who work on a state-designated holiday shall be granted a compensatory hour off for each such hour worked. Compensatory time must be used within the immediate 12 month period. Such compensatory time shall normally be used during closedown periods established by the academic calendar, such as Semester Break. Employees who separate employment prior to the use of such compensatory leave shall be paid for the accumulated hours at their normal base pay rate at the time of separation.
- Each major administrative unit (campus) shall notify all employees annually of the holiday schedule.
- Regular part-time employees shall be eligible for paid holidays at their regular rate of pay
proportionate to the full-time equivalency of their appointment. Temporary employees shall not be eligible for paid holidays, and if required to work on a holiday shall be paid for the time worked at their regular rate of pay. In order to receive pay for a holiday, an employee must be in a pay status on the scheduled work day before and scheduled work day after the holiday. - All leave will be documented in the official accounting system (SAP) in order to maintain an accurate and uniform record in employee balances.
Injury Leave
- All employees subject to the provisions of the Worker's Compensation Act shall be entitled to injury leave with full pay for up to five (5) scheduled work days in the event of illness or injury arising out of and in the course of employment.
- Injury leave shall not be charged to vacation leave or sick leave. (See Worker's Compensation Policy.)
- Employees impacted by this policy are required to complete the First Report of Occupational Injury or Illness form. This is a legal document which will be filed with the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court. Mail or fax this form to the Campus Benefits Office within 24 hours of the occurrence.
Leave of Absence
- Regular employees may be granted a leave of absence without pay for a maximum of one (1) year.
- For professional staff a leave of absence maybe extended one (1) additional year as granted by the Board of Regents.
- Upon return from leave, the employee shall be entitled to the same or comparable positions subject to budgetary limitations.
- A leave of absence shall be granted only when it is in the best interest of the University.
- Sick leave and vacation leave shall not accrue during a leave of absence. All unused accrued vacation leave shall be used prior to the effective date of the leave of absence. All unused accrued sick leave shall be carried forward upon return from the leave of absence.
- For the purpose of service award recognition, an employee’s service date is adjusted for leave of absence without pay.
Military Leave Rights and Benefits (USERRA & Family Military Leave Act)
Statutory Reference
- The 探花社区 shall comply with the Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) and Neb. Rev. Stat. 搂55-160 et seq. concerning the treatment of University employees with military obligations.
USERRA General Requirements
- In general USERRA requires employers to grant leave to employees serving in the U.S. armed forces and the various reserve units; protects applicants and employees against discrimination on the basis of military service in the areas of hiring, job retention and advancement; provides certain rights to reemployment upon return from leave; and extends health care and retirement plan coverage during military leave.
Nebraska Statute
- In accordance with State law, the University provides fifteen workdays of paid military leave per calendar year, without regard to the specific nature of the military leave (e.g. active military duty, annual training, emergency assignment, assignments of an unspecified length). Military service beyond fifteen workdays will be charged against accrued vacation or taken without pay, as designated by the employee within a reasonable time of receiving notice of his or her leave.
Employee Responsibilities
- Employees serving in the military are required to provide advance notice to the University concerning their military obligations when possible and must inform the University when they plan to return to work once they have been discharged from their military duties.
Annual Training Defined
- Generally defined, annual training refers to the temporary duty in which military reserve personnel engage, commonly serving one weekend per month and two consecutive weeks during the year.
Emergency Duty
- Leave will be granted to any employee, who is a member of the National Guard or any other reserve component, ordered to active duty under emergency conditions. Should the military pay of such person be less man his/her full University pay, the University shall pay the differential while the person is in the active emergency service of the State.
Insurance and Retirement Benefits under USERRA
- Health Insurance - Employees on military leave may continue medical and/or dental coverage for themselves and/or their dependents by paying the full cost of the premium (100%). This coverage may be continued for up to eighteen months from the date active military service began. Should the employee and/or dependents discontinue coverage, the coverage may be reinstated upon return from military service with no waiting period or exclusion for preexisting conditions.
Life Insurance - Employees on military leave may continue to participate in the group life insurance plan while on leave by paying the full premium. The Security Mutual Basic and Optional Plans, unlike many insurance programs, will cover the employee's death while on military duty; however, the Accidental Death and Dismemberment Plan does not cover claims associated with military service. Should the employee decide to discontinue any life insurance coverage, he/she may reinstate the coverage upon return to University employment without evidence of insurability. - Other Insurance - Long Term Disability coverage may not continue during military leave. Continued participation in reimbursement accounts is permitted.
- Retirement Benefits - Once employment is reinstated, the employee may request retroactive participation in the basic plan, if otherwise qualified to participate. Upon paying his/her portion of the contribution to the retirement plan, the University will make the employer's retirement plan contribution. The amounts contributed will be based on the employee's compensation had he/she continued employment with the University. The employee may also make up contributions to the SRA plan. Employees may count military service towards the retirement plan's two years of service eligibility requirement.
Family Military Leave
- For purposes of adopting the Nebraska 鈥淔amily Military Leave Act鈥 in coordination with the Federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), as amended, and the provisions thereof the following is provided:
- Any employee may request family military leave, provided the employee: (1) has been employed by the 探花社区 for twelve months preceding the request for leave; (2) has provided at least 1,250 hours of 探花社区 service prior to the request for leave; and (3) is a member of the immediate family of the person called to military service lasting one hundred seventy-nine days or longer with the State of Nebraska or the United States pursuant to the orders of the Governor of Nebraska or the President of the United States.
- The employee may request through their immediate supervisor
a. 12 weeks of leave for 鈥渁ny qualifying exigency鈥 arising out of the fact that the spouse, son, daughter, or parent of the employee is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call to active duty status, in support of a contingency operation;
b. An eligible employee who is the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of a covered service member who is recovering from a serious illness or injury sustained in the line of duty on active duty is entitled to up to 26 weeks of leave in a single 12- month period to care for the service member. This military caregiver leave is available during 鈥渁 single 12-month period鈥 during which an eligible employee is entitled to a combined total of 26 weeks of all types of FMLA leave. - Qualifying leave periods under the Federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and those of the Family Military Leave Act of Nebraska, for reasons cited in sections (a) and (b) will run concurrently.
- Up to the extent it is available the employee may elect to apply accrued vacation or compensatory leave to family military leave period. Employees requesting five (5) or more consecutive days of family military leave shall provide at least fourteen (14) days鈥 prior notice, and where able, consult with their supervisor and schedule the leave to avoid undue work disruptions. For leave of less than five (5) consecutive days, employees shall give advance notice as is practicable.
- Certification/proof of the call to service, from the proper military authority, may be required.
- On expiration of the leave, the employee is entitled to be restored to the position held prior to commencement of the leave or to an equivalent position consistent with the requirements of the Act. Employees on family military leave, who are enrolled in the University鈥檚 insured benefit programs, may continue to participate in such programs and continue to receive employer contributions for the period of the leave. They are, however, responsible for their employee contribution required to maintain those insurance benefits when on an unpaid leave status.
- This policy is intended to implement the Nebraska Family Military Leave Act, which is incorporated herein, along with any of the Act鈥檚 subsequent amendments. Should any inconsistency arise between this policy and the Nebraska Family Military Leave Act, the Act shall prevail, provided however, that if employee rights are explicitly provided in this or other University policies, which are greater than those required by the law, then the greater right shall be recognized and provided by the University.
Parental Leave
The following Parental Leave Policies are intended to establish and clarify the leaves available to University staff in cases of pregnancy, childbirth, and adoption.
Medical Maternity Leave
- The time during which an employee is unable to work because of a medical disability caused or contributed to by pregnancy, miscarriage, termination of pregnancy, childbirth and recovery there from, will be covered by the provisions of the University’s sick leave policy or by the provisions of the University’s disability leave program, depending on the category and associated leave eligibility of the affected staff member. Staff is therefore eligible for paid leave for such absences under the provisions of the applicable leave policy.
- There shall be no stipulated medical maternity leave requirement either before or after childbirth. Leave requirements will vary depending upon each employee's individual circumstances, and the advice of an attending physician or other licensed health care provider will normally determine the appropriate length of leave. An eight-week total leave period for pre-partum and post-partum care and recovery, during which time the employee will be excused from all duties, will be considered normal; however, more or less leave time may be taken based upon individual health circumstances.
- The provisions of Section of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents and associated administrative policy permitting paid leave to be reduced by the amount required to compensate a substitute shall not be exercised in cases of medical maternity leave.
- Paternal Leave to Provide Care/Assistance to Mother and/or Child
- For those employees who wish to take leave upon the birth of a child because the health of the employee's spouse or child requires the employee's presence, or because such presence would be beneficial to the employee's spouse or child, up to five days paid leave may be taken, chargeable to either sick leave or disability leave depending on the employee's appointment category.
- The provisions of Section of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents and associated administrative policy permitting an employee's paid leave to be reduced by the amount required to compensate a substitute shall not be exercised in cases of such paternal leave.
Adoption Leave
- Newly adoptive parents may take up to eight weeks paid leave upon the adoption of a child to provide care and assistance to the child chargeable to either sick leave or disability leave depending on the employee's appointment category.
- A newly adoptive parent, who is the primary care giver, may take up to eight weeks paid leave upon adoption of a child to provide care and assistance to the child chargeable to either sick leave or disability leave depending on the employee's appointment category. The declaration of which parent is the primary care giver is made by the adopting parents. The non-primary caregiver of the adopted child may take up to five days paid leave to provide assistance in the care of the child.
- The provisions of Section of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents and associated administrative policy permitting an employee’s paid leave to be reduced by the amount required to compensate a substitute shall not be exercised in cases of adoption leave.
Family/Medical Leave Act/Policy Coordination
- Under the federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and related University policy, eligible staffs have a right to take up to twelve weeks leave for certain qualifying events, including the birth of an employee's child or the placement of a child through adoption, and care of the child upon birth or placement through adoption. Any parental leaves taken pursuant to the foregoing parental leave policies are, by definition, related to qualifying events under the FMLA, and will therefore be considered part of the twelve week FMLA leave period.
Sick Leave For Managerial Professional Employees
Pursuant to Section of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents of the 探花社区, the following regulations shall apply to leaves of absence due to non-occupational sickness or accident.
- Members of the Managerial-Professional staff shall accumulate one day of sick leave per month for the first two years of employment; thereafter, the foregoing provisions (Section 2) shall apply.
- Such employees may, when all sick leave and vacation leave are exhausted, be advanced up to 40 hours (one work week) of sick leave, pro-rated for part-time employees. Employees shall reimburse the University for any used, unearned sick leave upon separation.
- Managerial Professional staff do not receive, upon retirement or death, the supplemental salary payment equal to 1/4 of their unused accrued sick leave.
- Whenever a member of the Managerial-Professional staff who has completed two years of service is temporarily disabled due to illness or accident, such staff member, upon approval of the Chancellor or President, shall be paid his or her regular salary during the period of such disability but not to exceed a period of six months less:
- The amount he or she has received during such time as workers' compensation; and
- Unless used for purposes of Parental Leave, the amount required, if any amount be required, to pay any substitute who has performed all or any part of the work of the incapacitated staff member. Substitutes shall be selected by the Chancellor or President. Whether such a substitute shall receive pay for such work performed or be permitted to substitute gratuitously for the incapacitated staff member shall be determined by the Chancellor or President.
- Such leaves of absence may be extended beyond six months without pay upon recommendation of the Chancellor and the President and approval by the Board.
- In order to comply with the terms of existing United States Civil Service retirement regulations, newly appointed Cooperative Extension staff with federal appointments will accumulate sick or injury leave at the rate of one month per year.
- Past or present service retirement benefits will not be paid during the period of an extended disability leave.
- Disability absences caused or contributed to by pregnancy, childbirth, and recovery there from are considered sick leave, and shall be governed by the provisions of the Parental Leave Policy.
- Any leaves taken pursuant to this policy may be considered to be qualifying events under the federal Family Medical Leave Act and the Family Medical Leave Policy approved by the Board.
- The rate at which an employee accrues sick leave shall be computed from the service date and adjusted by breaks in service if such break in service is less than three years.
- Sick leave, up to a maximum of five (5) working days per illness, may be granted when illness of or injury to a member of the immediate family requires the employee's presence. Immediate family means wife, husband, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, guardian, ward, brother, sister, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepdaughter, stepson, or persons being the same relationship to the spouse.
Sick Leave For Office and Service Employees
Sick Leave Eligibility
- All regular Office and Service personnel shall be eligible for paid sick leave.
- All Office and Service personnel hired on a regular part-time basis shall be eligible for paid sick leave at their regular rate of pay proportionate to the full-time equivalency of their appointment.
- Temporary staff shall not be eligible for paid sick leave.
Sick Leave Accruals
- Office and Service personnel shall accrue sick leave according to the following schedule.
- Sick leave shall begin to accrue with the date of hire. Sick leave shall be charged against the sick leave accrued on a work-hour basis. An employee shall be eligible to use sick leave as soon as it has accrued.
- Sick leave shall be cumulative up to a maximum of 1,440 hours, or 180 working days. Once an employee has accrued 1,440 hours of sick leave, he or she shall not accrue sick leave until his or her accrued sick leave is below 1,440 hours.
- Office and Service employees who were hired before January 1, 2019, and who retire from the University before July 1, 2035, shall receive a supplemental salary payment equal to 1/4 of their unused accrued sick leave up to a maximum 360 hours with the rate of payment equal to the regular rate of pay at the time of retirement. Normal retirement requirements of being at least 55 years of age and having at least 10 years of University service must be met in order to retire from the University and receive the ¼ supplemental salary payment. Office and Service employees hired on or after January 1, 2019, will not be eligible to receive the ¼ supplemental salary payment upon retirement.
- An employee hired before January 1, 2019, who transfers from the Managerial Professional classification to the Office and Service classification on or after January 1, 2019, will not be eligible for the ¼ supplemental salary payment upon retirement.
- Upon the death of an Office and Service employee who was hired before January 1, 2019, and who passes away before July 1, 2035, the beneficiary of the employee shall receive a supplemental death benefit payment equal to 1/4 of the unused accrued sick leave of the deceased employee up to a maximum of 360 hours with the rate of payment equal to the regular rate of pay on the date of death. The beneficiary of an Office and Service employee hired on or after January 1, 2019, will not be eligible to receive the ¼ supplemental death benefit payment upon the death of the employee.
- Office and Service employees transferred from one department or campus to another shall have their accrued sick leave transferred to the receiving department or campus.
- Office and Service staff that transfer from employment with the State government or State colleges shall accrue sick leave at a rate based on the hiring date or service date with the organization from which they are transferring. In addition, such Office and Service employees shall be credited with unused sick leave, up to a maximum of 360 hours, accrued while an employee of the State government or the State colleges.
Sick Leave Use
- Sick leave means the period of time that the employee is incapacitated or unable, due to illness, injury, to perform the regularly assigned duties of his or her position. The period of time shall begin and end when medically indicated to the satisfaction of the appropriate administrative officer.
- Paid sick leave means a period of time that the employee is paid his or her regular salary during a period of illness or injury. The period of time shall begin and end as stated in subsection 3.1.
- Disability absences caused or contributed to by pregnancy, childbirth and recovery there from are considered to be sick leave, and shall be governed by the provisions of the Parental Leave Policy. The period of time shall begin and end as stated in subsection 3.1.
- One hour of sick leave shall be consumed for each working hour of absence due to illness or injury. Absence due to illness or injury, which is more than the amount of accrued sick leave, may be charged to accrued vacation leave by written mutual agreement between the employee and the appointing authority.
- When all accumulated sick leave and vacation leave are exhausted, the employee may be advanced up to forty hours (40) (one work week) of sick leave, pro-rated for part-time employees. Employees shall reimburse the University for all used, unearned sick leave upon separation.
- When all accrued sick leave and vacation leave are consumed and/or advanced, an employee may, upon written request, be granted sick leave without pay. A period of sick leave without pay normally shall not exceed one year. It shall not be extended beyond that period unless there are exceptional, mitigating circumstances.
- Employees on Leave Without Pay, Suspension, or Layoff shall not accrue sick leave during that time.
- Sick leave, up to a maximum of five (5) working days per illness, may be granted when illness of or injury to a member of the immediate family requires the employee's presence. Immediate family means wife, husband, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, guardian, ward, brother, sister, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepdaughter, stepson, or persons being the same relationship to the spouse.
- Vacation days or University holidays that may fall within the period of paid sick leave shall not be counted as days to be subtracted from sick leave.
- The allowance of sick leave for any purpose under this policy shall be subject to the right of the University to require satisfactory evidence of illness or injury including the certification of an attending physician in the case of the employee or a member of his or her immediate family. Sick leave allowance shall be at the discretion of the University.
- Any leaves taken pursuant to this policy may be considered to be qualifying events under the federal Family Medical Leave Act and the Family Medical Leave Policy approved by the Board.
- The rate at which an employee accrues sick leave shall be computed from the service date and adjusted by breaks in service if such break in service is less than three years.
- Employees returning to the university with less than three years break in service will also have the hours from their previous sick leave balance restored.
Vacation Leave
- All regular employees of the 探花社区 shall be granted vacation leave according to schedules in Sections 2.0 and 3.0.
- Vacation leave shall accrue on a pay period basis, and an account of such leave earned and used shall be maintained.
- Effective April 1, 2007, the maximum vacation leave which may be earned and accrued by members of the Managerial-Professional staff and members of the Office and Service staff shall be two hundred eighty (280) hours; provided that any employee who has accumulated more than 280 hours of vacation leave as of said effective date shall be entitled to retain any such excess vacation leave over 280 hours future use.
- The rate at which an employee accrues vacation leave shall be computed from the service date and adjusted by breaks in service if such break in service is less than three years.
- Employees may be advanced vacation leave in an amount not to exceed a total of forty hours (40) (one work week), pro-rated for part-time employees. Employees shall reimburse the University for all used, unearned vacation leave upon separation.
- Managerial-Professional Staff - Members of the Managerial-Professional staff shall earn and receive eight (8) hours of vacation leave per month during each of the first two years of employment, twelve (12) hours of vacation leave per month during the third through the fifth year of employment and sixteen (16) hours of vacation leave per month during each year thereafter; provided, that once a member of the Managerial-Professional staff member has accumulated two hundred eighty (280) hours of unused vacation leave, he or she shall not earn or receive additional vacation leave until his or her accumulated and unused vacation leave is less than two hundred eighty (280) hours.
- Office and Service Staff - Office and Service employees shall earn vacation leave according to the following schedule; provided, that once an Office and Service employee has accumulated two hundred eighty (280) hours of unused vacation, he or she shall not earn or receive additional vacation leave until his or her accumulated and unused vacation leave is less than two hundred eighty (280) hours.
Vacation Leave Use
- Regular part-time employees shall earn vacation leave on a proportionate basis to their FTE.
- Vacation leave shall be arranged to not interfere with the conduct of University business.
- Unused vacation shall be paid when an employee separates. Upon death of an employee, his or her beneficiary shall be paid for any unused vacation leave of the employee.
- All regular employees who transfer from employment with the State government or the State colleges shall accrue vacation leave at a rate based on the hiring date with the organization from which they are transferring.
- New senior members of the managerial-professional staff may be granted, upon employment, the right to earn vacation days at the rate of twelve (12) hours or sixteen (16) hours per month at the discretion of the Chancellor or President where such exception is necessitated by the conditions in Sections 6.1 and 6.2.
- Exceptions may be granted in order to continue such provisions to a staff member who has been eligible for the benefits of such provisions under a prior University employee category.
- Exceptions maybe granted in order to recognize prior related work experience.
- If twelve (12) hours of vacation per month are granted during the first year of employment, the employee shall earn sixteen (16) hours of vacation per month beginning with the fourth year of employment.
For Faculty & Staff
- Overview
- Benefits Enrollment Help
Health Benefits
- COBRA Benefits (Post-Employment)
- Dental Insurance
- Employee Benefit Forms
- Employee Plus One
- Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
- Health Insurance Price Tag Summary
- Health Risk Assessment
- HIPAA & Your Privacy
- Life Events & Changes
- Life Insurance
- Long-Term Care Insurance
- Long-Term Disability Insurance
- Medicaid Chip Assistance
- Medical Insurance
- New Employee Benefit Enrollment
- Notice of Nondiscrimination
- Prescription Drug Coverage & Management
- Summary
- Vision Insurance
- Wellness Programs
- Retirement Plans and Benefits
- Resources
For Faculty & Staff
- Overview
- Benefits Enrollment Help
Health Benefits
- COBRA Benefits (Post-Employment)
- Dental Insurance
- Employee Benefit Forms
- Employee Plus One
- Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
- Health Insurance Price Tag Summary
- Health Risk Assessment
- HIPAA & Your Privacy
- Life Events & Changes
- Life Insurance
- Long-Term Care Insurance
- Long-Term Disability Insurance
- Medicaid Chip Assistance
- Medical Insurance
- New Employee Benefit Enrollment
- Notice of Nondiscrimination
- Prescription Drug Coverage & Management
- Summary
- Vision Insurance
- Wellness Programs
- Retirement Plans and Benefits
- Resources
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