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ASHRAE/IESNA90.1, Section9 - "Lighting," sets maximum interior and exterior lighting power densities and minimum requirements for lighting controls. The selection of the lamp and ballast as a system is an important design decision to optimize energy efficiency of the lighting system. A reduction in lighting energy usage can be combined with other energy-conserving measures to meet the requirements of LEED-NC, LEED-CS, and LEED for SchoolsCreditEA1. LEED-NC, LEED-CS, and LEED for SchoolsCreditSS8 requires that exterior lights be provided as needed for "safety and comfort" with the lighting power densities for the exterior areas and the building facade and landscape at a minimum of 20 and 50% less than ASHRAE/IESNA90.1, respectively. In addition, the lighting design must eliminate or minimize any "light trespass" from the site and reduce "sky glow," depending on the zone classification of the site according to IESNARP-33 requirements. Consider selecting the proper light fixtures, such as low-intensity shielded fixtures, the aiming of the fixtures, and using automatic controllers to turn off nonessential site lighting after a specific hour as defined by this credit. CreditSS8 also sets requirements for interior lighting. See Section265100 "Interior Lighting." GENERAL SUMMARY Section Includes: Exterior luminaires with lamps and drivers. Luminaire supports. Luminaire-mounted photoelectric relays. Related Documents & Sections: Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 specification sections apply to the work of this Section. Division 26 "Basic Materials and Methods" sections apply to the work in this Section. Division 26 Lighting Poles sections apply to the work in this Section. Coordination Requirements: Coordinate the installation of all light fixtures with the work of other trades. This includes but is not limited to placement of fixtures in conjunction with civil work such as sidewalks, roadways, parking lots, landscaping and building exteriors. Coordinate the installation of all light fixtures with mounting surfaces fixtures will be mounted within, onto, or through. Coordinate placement of fixture supports, anchors, and mounts in conjunction with ceiling and wall system supports, anchors and mounts. Light fixture trims shall be coordinated with ceiling and wall surfaces. Coordinate the installation of all light fixtures with required external surge protection devices. See Paragraphs 2.5 & 2.8 below for more on surge protection requirements. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of lighting fixture, arranged in order of fixture designation. Include data on features, accessories, and finishes. Submit manufacturer's product datasheet on each and every lighting fixture. Furnish shop drawing portfolios (collated & bound sets) containing the following information: Name of manufacturer, make and model of each particular fixture in the project. Product listing information (UL, ETL, DLC, Dark Sky, etc) Descriptive cut sheets Indicate fixture catalog number selections, highlight or make obvious which part numbers are used to build the complete fixture catalog number. Complete photometric information and coefficient of utilization tables. Fixture voltage, match to project specifics. Wiring diagrams for power, control, and signal wiring. Photoelectric relays and how they interconnect into the system schematically. The number, type and wattage of the fixture lamps. Include lamp rated life, color temperature, color rending index (CRI), initial & mean lumen output. The wattage and illumination information for LED fixtures. Include rated life, color temperature, CRI, initial & mean lumen output of LED fixtures. Lens information including type, pattern, thickness, material type, special features. Fixture options, mounting details and ceiling compatibility information. Construction of fixture housing and door, door type, access hole information. Fixture ballast and driver manufacturer and type information. Means of attaching luminaries to supports and indication that the attachment is suitable for components involved. All lighting fixtures required to be used on this project shall be submitted in one single submittal so that all fixtures can be reviewed at one time. Those fixtures not receiving a shop drawing action of "Reviewed" or "Reviewed and Noted" on the first submittal shall be resubmitted for review. A light fixture receiving a shop drawing action of "Resubmit" or "Rejected" after the third review for any reason, shall be furnished as originally specified. The portfolios shall be made from standard manufacturer's specification sheets. Each fixture shall be identified by the letter or number indicated on the fixture schedule or project plan sheets as applicable. The combining of more than one fixture type of fixture on a single sheet shall not be acceptable. Shop Drawings for nonstandard or custom lighting fixtures: Show details indicating dimensions, weights, methods of field assembly, components, features, and accessories. Product Certificates: For each type of ballast and driver, dimmer-controlled fixtures, provided by manufacturer. Product Schedule: For all luminaires and lamps, using the same designations as on the Project Drawings. Qualification Data: For testing laboratory providing photometric data for luminaires. Product Certificates: For each luminaire type and for each photoelectric relay type. Product Test Reports: For each luminaire, for tests performed by a qualified testing agency. Provide all applicable source quality-control reports. Operation and Maintenance Data: Instructions for each product including information on replacement parts. Provide all applicable field quality-control reports. Project Record Documents: Record actual connections and locations of luminaires and any associated remote mounted components. Provide this information along with project as-builts per the contract documents plans and specifications. Warranty: Provide a copy of the sample warranty prior to commencement of work. Include a copy of the final approved warranty in the project close out documentation. QUALITY ASSURANCE Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA70, by a qualified testing agency, and marked for intended location and application. Comply with IEEEC2, "National Electrical Safety Code." Comply with NFPA70. Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in the manufacturer of interior and exterior light fixtures of types and ratings required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than three (3) years. Installer: Qualified with at least three (3) years of successful installation experience on projects with interior and exterior lighting fixture work similar to that required for this project. Luminaire Photometric Data Testing Laboratory Qualifications: Luminaire manufacturers' laboratory that is accredited under the NVLAP for Energy Efficient Lighting Products. Luminaire Photometric Data Testing Laboratory Qualifications: Provided by an independent agency, with the experience and capability to conduct the testing indicated, that is an NRTL as defined by OSHA in 29 CFR 1910.7, accredited under the NVLAP for Energy Efficient Lighting Products and complying with applicable IES testing standards. Provide luminaires from a single manufacturer for each luminaire type. Mockups: As required on a project-by-project basis (typically not required) for exterior luminaires, complete with power and control connections. Obtain Architect's approval of luminaires in mockups before starting installations. Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed work. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations in writing. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. REFERENCES NEC Compliance: Comply with the NEC (NFPA 70) as applicable to the installation and construction of lighting fixtures. NEMA Compliance: Comply with applicable requirements of NEMA Standard Pub. Nos. LE-1 and LE-2 pertaining to lighting equipment. ANSI/UL Compliance: Comply with ANSI/UL Standards pertaining to interior and exterior lighting fixtures for hazardous locations. ANSI C82.11 - American National Standard for Lamp Ballasts - High Frequency Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts - Supplements. IEEE C62.41.2 - Recommended Practice on Characterization of Surges in Low-Voltage (1000 V and less) AC Power Circuits. IESNA LM-79 - Approved Method: Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products; Illuminating Engineering Society. IESNA LM-80 - Approved Method: Measuring Lumen Maintenance of LED Light Sources. NECA 1 - Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction, latest edition. NECA/IESNA 501 Standard for Installing Exterior Lighting Systems, latest edition. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Listings. Provide fixtures that have been UL Listed and labeled to any or all of the following standards as applicable to the project: UL 844 - Luminaires for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations. UL 924 - Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment. UL 1598 - Luminaires. UL 8750 - Light Emitting Diode (LED) Equipment for Use in Lighting Products. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND PROTECTION Receive, handle, and store products according to NECA/IESNA 500 (commercial lighting), NECA/IESNA 501 (exterior lighting), NECA/IESNA 502 (industrial lighting), and all manufacturers written instructions. Keep fixtures in original product packaging until ready for installation. Do not leave unpackaged fixtures unattended or where they are subject to dirt, debris, or damage. All fixtures shall be kept warm, dry, safe and secure. Adhere to manufacturer storage requirements. Protect finishes of exposed surfaces by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering prior to shipping. EXTRA MATERIALS At substantial completion of the project, furnish the following extra materials that match specified and installed products to the Owner for future use after completion of project warranty periods. Extra materials shall be delivered and stored at a location or locations directed by the Owner. Products shall be packaged with protective covering for storage and shall be suitably labeled by product type. Provide ten extra lamps for every 100 lamps (of each rating and type) installed on the project. Provide a minimum of at least one extra lamp for each lamp type and rating used. Provide one extra lens or louver for every 100 units (of each type) installed on the project. Provide a minimum of at least one extra lens and one extra louver for each type used. Provide one extra driver for every 100 units (of each type) installed on the project. Provide a minimum of at least one extra driver for each type used. Provide one extra set (complete set) of fuses for every 100 units (of each type) installed on the project. Provide a minimum of at least one set of fuses for each type used. Provide one extra photoelectric relay for every 100 units (of each type) installed on the project. Provide a minimum of at least one extra photoelectric relay for each type used. WARRANTY Provide a five (5) year manufacturer warranty for all exterior fixtures, LED drivers, and LED light boards (light engines) from date of substantial completion of the project. This warranty to cover all product defects, performance criteria, and parts. Manufacturer and installer agree to repair or replace components of luminaires that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following: Structural failures, including luminaire support components. Faulty operation of luminaires and accessories. Deterioration of metals, metal finishes, and other materials beyond normal weathering. PRODUCTS FIXTURES, GENERAL In "Products" Paragraph below, retain first option when only one manufacturer and product designation is indicated on Drawings and Contractor must use named product; retain second option when more than one manufacturer and product is indicated on Drawings, providing choices for Contractor among those listed; retain third option if one or more manufacturers and products are indicated and Contractor may propose products from other manufacturers. Delete this article if no manufacturers and product designations are indicated. See Section016000 "Product Requirements." All fixtures shall be UL or other qualified third party listed for the environment where they will be installed including: damp, wet, extreme temperature, or hazardous locations. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, by a qualified testing agency, and marked for intended location and application. NRTL Compliance: Luminaires shall be listed and labeled for indicated class and division of hazard by an NRTL. Luminaires shall comply with UL1598 and be listed and labeled for installation in wet locations by an NRTL acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. LER Tests Incandescent Fixtures: Where LER is specified, test according to NEMALE5A. Retain "Lateral Light Distribution Patterns" Paragraph below if some lighting units or luminaires are indicated to have TypeI, II, III, IV, or V distribution pattern in the Exterior Lighting Device Schedule or in details on Drawings. Lateral Light Distribution Patterns: Comply with IESNARP-8 for parameters of lateral light distribution patterns indicated for luminaires. Metal Parts: Free of burrs and sharp corners and edges. Sheet Metal Components: Corrosion-resistant aluminum unless otherwise indicated. Form and support to prevent warping and sagging. Housings: Rigidly formed, weather- and light-tight enclosures that will not warp, sag, or deform in use. Provide filter/breather for enclosed luminaires. Doors, Frames, and Other Internal Access: Smooth operating, free of light leakage under operating conditions, and designed to permit relamping without use of tools. Designed to prevent doors, frames, lenses, diffusers, and other components from falling accidentally during relamping and when secured in operating position. Doors shall be removable for cleaning or replacing lenses. Designed to disconnect ballast when door opens. Exposed Hardware Material: Stainless steel. Plastic Parts: High resistance to yellowing and other changes due to aging, exposure to heat, and UV radiation. Retain "Light Shields" Paragraph below if one or more luminaires require partial shielding of light output to avoid light trespass or to meet other requirements. Coordinate with the Exterior Lighting Device Schedule on Drawings. Light Shields: Metal baffles, factory installed and field adjustable, arranged to block light distribution to indicated portion of normally illuminated area or field. Reflecting surfaces shall have minimum reflectance as follows unless otherwise indicated: White Surfaces: 85 percent. Specular Surfaces: 83 percent. Diffusing Specular Surfaces: 75 percent. Lenses and Refractors Gaskets: Use heat- and aging-resistant resilient gaskets to seal and cushion lenses and refractors in luminaire doors. Revise "Luminaire Finish" Paragraph below to include custom colors. Coordinate custom-color requirements for luminaires with those for poles and other luminaire support requirements. Luminaire Finish: Manufacturer's standard paint applied to factory-assembled and -tested luminaire before shipping. Where indicated, match finish process and color of pole or support materials. Variations in Luminaire Finishes: Noticeable variations in same piece are unacceptable. Variations in appearance of adjoining components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. Diffusers and Globes: Acrylic Diffusers: 100 percent virgin acrylic plastic, with high resistance to yellowing and other changes due to aging, exposure to heat, and UV radiation. Glass: Annealed crystal glass unless otherwise indicated. Lens Thickness: At least 0.125 inch (3.175 mm) minimum unless otherwise indicated. Retain "Factory-Applied Finish for Steel Luminaires" Paragraph below when luminaire material is steel that is not to be field painted and is not required to match finish of pole or support materials. Retain "Factory-Applied Finish for Aluminum Luminaires" Paragraph below when luminaire material is aluminum that is not to be field painted and is not required to match finish of pole or support materials. See Editing Instruction No.7 in the Evaluations for discussion of luminaire labeling. Factory-Applied Labels: Comply with UL1598. Include recommended lamps and ballasts. Labels shall be located where they will be readily visible to service personnel, but not seen from normal viewing angles when lamps are in place. Label shall include the following lamp and ballast characteristics: "USES ONLY" and include specific lamp type. Lamp diameter, shape, size, wattage and coating. CCT and CRI for all luminaires. Seismic Performance: Luminaires and lamps shall be labeled vibration and shock resistant to withstand common vibrations encountered at installation site. The term withstand means the luminaire will remain in place without separation of any parts when subjected to the seismic forces specified and the luminaire will be fully operational during and after the seismic event. MANUFACTURERS Manufacturers: As noted on the drawings by notes and/or by the light fixture schedule dictated by this Section. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one following: Parking Lot Lighting: Lithonia DSX Series Street and Roadway Lighting: Lithonia DSX Series Pedestrian Lighting: Lithonia Omero MRP LED Series LUMINAIRE SUPPORT COMPONENTS Comply with general requirements found in the UNL Design Guidelines. Comply with all manufacturer written instructions for the physical characteristics and installation procedures. LED LIGHTING FIXTURES Complete LED lighting fixtures for general illumination shall have been tested by IES LM-79 and LM-80 requirements. LED light fixtures shall be fabricated, assembled, and manufactured as a complete fixture unit, including housing, mounting hardware, driver, light boards (light engines), and lens. LED lighting fixtures shall allow for separate replacement of the light boards and driver. In other words, throw away fixtures with non-replaceable components are not permitted. LED lighting fixtures shall be capable of continuous dimming as a standard offering. Dimming range to be from 100% to at least 20% of rated lumen output. Dimming control shall be 0-10VDC. All LED fixture control devices shall be compatible with the type of drivers and dimming requirements of the particular project and coordinated with the lighting fixture submittals prior to ordering. Universal input voltage (120-277 VAC) drivers shall be provided for all LED applications. In-line fusing: On the primary for each luminaire. LED DRIVERS Drivers shall operate from a 60Hz input AC voltage from 120V-277V. Unit shall have an input voltage tolerance range of at least +/- 10%. The Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of the driver input current shall be no more than 20% when operating at nominal input voltage. Drivers shall have a minimum Power Factor (PF) of 0.90. Drivers shall comply with IEEE/ANSI C62.41 Category C2 (medium) for transient voltage protection. This shall include a 10kV rating, and 5kA rating per the standard 8x20us combo wave testing parameters. Drivers shall comply with the requirements of the FCC rules and regulations, Title 47 CFR Part 18, Non-consumer (Class A) for EMI & EMF (conducted and radiated) interference. Fixtures may require additional surge protection apart from what is integral with the LED driver. See Paragraph 2.8 below for more details. LED BOARDS Rated minimum life of 60,000 hours minimum per IES LM-70 testing requirements. Provide a TM21 report on LED boards to be used which tests LED life and lumen maintenance per the IES LM-80 standard, and LED light output and efficacy per the IES LM-70 standard. The correlated color temperature (CCT) of the LEDs shall be 4000K unless noted otherwise. The CCT shall be uniform for all LED modules within like luminaire types and luminaires within a given project. The LED CCT measurements shall have a maximum of three standard deviations (3 SDCM, +/-90K) tolerance on the MacAdam Ellipse. Provide LED boards such that any individual LED failure on a section of LED board within the fixture will not result in significant output loss of the overall fixture. LUMINAIRE-MOUNTED PHOTOELECTRIC RELAYS Comply with UL773 or UL773A. Contact Relays: Factory mounted, single throw, designed to fail in the on position, and factory set to turn light unit on at 1.5 to 3 fc (16 to 32 lx) and off at 4.5 to 10 fc (48 to 108 lx) with 15-second minimum time delay. Relay shall have directional lens in front of photocell to prevent artificial light sources from causing false turnoff. Relay with locking-type receptacle shall comply with ANSIC136.10. Adjustable window slide for adjusting on-off set points. EXTERNAL LED DRIVER SURGE PROTECTION DEVICE (SPD) All pole mounted LED light fixtures, and pole mounted outdoor sports lighting LED products shall come equipped with an additional layer of SPD protection. This additional protection shall be in addition to requirements of the surge protection integral to the LED driver itself. The SPD shall be circuited immediately upstream of the LED driver and mounted either within the fixture or immediately adjacent to it in a concealed, protected, and accessible location. Do not void manufacturer warranty or listing requirements when mounting the SPD. The external SPD shall be circuited either in series or parallel with the light fixture circuit as required of the project and Owner needs. In series circuiting shall de-energize the fixture upon SPD failure (indicating a problem) while parallel circuiting shall allow for continued fixture use after SPD failure. The additional SPD shall have a kilo-amp rating in excess of the kilo-amp rating of the fixture it is protecting. Minimum specifications shall meet IEEE/ANSI Category C2 (medium) 10kV, 5kA@ 8/20us standard combo and 6kV, 100kHz ring wave protection. The additional SPD shall have a let-through voltage rating or Voltage Performance Rating (VPR) that limits the voltage to the downstream driver to within the voltage tolerance of the driver. Anticipated maximum clamping voltage (8/20us @ 10kA) as follows: 600V (120V circuit), 1000V (208-240V circuit), 1500V (277V circuit), and 2500V (480V circuit). EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. Examine roughing-in for luminaire electrical conduit to verify actual locations of conduit connections before luminaire installation. Examine walls, roofs, canopy ceilings and overhang ceilings for suitable conditions where luminaires will be installed. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. TEMPORARY LIGHTING If approved by the Architect, use selected permanent luminaires for temporary lighting. When construction is substantially complete, clean luminaires used for temporary lighting and install new lamps. LUMINAIRE INSTALLATION Install lamps in each luminaire. Fasten luminaire to indicated structural supports. Additional support requirements include: Retain subparagraph below if seismic restraint is required by local code or authorities having jurisdiction. See Evaluations. Use fastening methods and materials selected to resist seismic forces defined for the application and approved by manufacturer. Sized and rated for luminaire weight. Able to maintain luminaire position after cleaning and relamping. Support luminaires without causing deflection of finished surface. Luminaire-mounting devices shall be capable of supporting a horizontal force of 100 percent of luminaire weight and a vertical force of 400 percent of luminaire weight. Wall-Mounted Luminaire Support: Attached to structural members in walls. Wiring Method: Install cables in raceways. Conceal raceways and cables. Install luminaires level, plumb, and square with finished grade unless otherwise indicated. Install luminaires at height and aiming angle as indicated on Drawings. Coordinate layout and installation of luminaires with other construction. Adjust luminaires that require field adjustment or aiming. Include adjustment of photoelectric device to prevent false operation of relay by artificial light sources, favoring a north orientation. Comply with requirements in Section 260519 Conductors, Section 260526 Grounding System, and Section 260533 Raceways for wiring connections and wiring methods. CORROSION PREVENTION Aluminum: Do not use in contact with earth or concrete. When in direct contact with a dissimilar metal, protect aluminum by insulating fittings or treatment. Steel Conduits: Comply with Section 260533 "Raceways" In concrete foundations, wrap conduit with 0.010-inch- (0.254-mm-) thick, pipe-wrapping plastic tape applied with a 50 percent overlap. IDENTIFICATION Identify system components, wiring, cabling, and terminals. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Inspect each installed luminaire for damage. Replace damaged luminaires and components. Perform the following tests and inspections: Operational Test: After installing luminaires, switches, and accessories, and after electrical circuitry has been energized, test units to confirm proper operation. Verify operation of photoelectric controls. Illumination Tests: Measure light intensities at night. Use photometers with calibration referenced to NIST standards. Comply with the following IES testing guide(s): IES LM-5. IES LM-50. IES LM-52. IES LM-64. IES LM-72. Operational Test: After installing luminaires, switches, and accessories, and after electrical circuitry has been energized, test units to confirm proper operation. Luminaire will be considered defective if it does not pass tests and inspections. Prepare a written report of tests, inspections, observations, and verifications indicating and interpreting results. If adjustments are made to lighting system, retest to demonstrate compliance with standards. DEMONSTRATION Train Owner's maintenance personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain luminaires and photocell relays. ADJUSTING Occupancy Adjustments: When requested within 12 months of date of Substantial Completion, provide on-site assistance in adjusting the direction of aim of luminaires to suit occupied conditions. Make up to two visits to Project during other-than-normal hours for this purpose. Some of this work may be required during hours of darkness. During adjustment visits, inspect all luminaires. Replace lamps or luminaires that are defective. Parts and supplies shall be manufacturer's authorized replacement parts and supplies. Adjust the aim of luminaires in the presence of the Architect and UNL Project Manager. END OF SECTION 265600     SECTION 26 56 00 EXTERIOR LIGHTING ̽Project No. Title26 56 00 Exterior LightingRevised 10/15/2020Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 2 $`ab B q  ,46JqôssssssssssssssdUhnh8CJOJQJ^Jhnh CJOJQJ^Jhnh.5CJOJQJ^J hnh.0J.CJOJQJ^J hnh.0J-CJOJQJ^Jhnh.CJOJQJ^JhnhUCJOJQJ^J(hnh.<B*CJOJQJ^Jph%hnh.B*CJOJQJ^Jph(hnhU<B*CJOJQJ^Jph abB q  6Jr9:gdgdgd gdL & F gdZ@) & FgdZ@)qr/09   #$,-56>?CDFG/0:zzzz hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^JhnhCJOJQJ^J.:  "#+,./4578?@LMTUwxijĢđĢĢijĢđĢijĀijĢĢijđqhnh LCJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^JhnhCJOJQJ^Jhnh.CJOJQJ^Jhnh+CJOJQJ^Jhnh|CJOJQJ^J+,|^ X"p!6J gdTgdmgdmgd LgdgdgdLgd,rs|UV^ X=|||kZ hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^JhnhTCJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^JhnhCJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J=>xy"bcp!-.'|k\hnhmCJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^JhnhTCJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^JhnhCJOJQJ^J hnh@CJOJQJ^J'(56 J !1!2!@!A!G!H!t!u!}!~!!!!!!!!!!"""" 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